Launcher: Erasing
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The valid command line parameters for the Eraser Launcher are listed below. The Launcher does not ask for a confirmation before erasing the given data, use caution when using it.

eraserl [Data] [Method] [-silent | -results | -resultsonerror ] [-queue] [-options]

-file   data [-subfolders]   
-folder   data [-subfolders] [-keepfolder]   
-disk   drive: | all   
-method   Gutmann | DoD | DoD_E | Random passes | Library   
-file         The data to erase is a file (wildcards may be used)   
-subfolders      Include subfolders   
-folder      The data to erase is files on a folder   
-subfolders      Include subfolders   
-keepfolder       Do not delete the folder   
-disk         The data to erase in unused space on a drive or all local hard drives (all)   
-recycled      Erase all data on the Recycle Bin   
-silent      Do not show any windows   
-results      Show Erasing Report   
-resultsonerror   Show Erasing Report only in case of error   
-queue         Wait until previous instances have finished   
-options      Ignore all other valid parameters and show Erasing Preferences window   


Erase all files in the directory "C:\Windows\Temp" leaving subfolders untouched

eraserl -file C:\Windows\Temp\*  

If you want to remove the folder as well (will not be deleted if subfolders exist)

eraserl -folder C:\Windows\Temp\  

Erase all files in folder "H:\Some Folder" and its subfolders, remove them afterwards and show the Erasing Report window (notice the quotation marks around the folder name; they are required when the path contains spaces)

eraserl -folder "H:\Some Folder" -subfolders -results  

Erase unused disk space on drive L without showing any windows, using three passes of pseudorandom data

eraserl -disk L:\ -silent -method Random 3  

Erase all data deleted to the Windows Recycle Bin and show the Erasing Report window afterwards. Unlike when using other parameters, this one asks for your confirmation before erasing unless "-silent" is specified

eraserl -recycled -results  

the Erasing Preferences dialog

eraserl -options  
